据界面新闻此前报道,这座坍塌大楼大楼由中国公民投资建设,土地的所有者与出租方则是一位柬埔寨公民。该建筑占地面积为450平方米,施工已完成约80%。被指控的4人分别为坍塌大楼业主Chen Kun(39岁)、建筑承包商Deng Xing Gui(48岁)、建筑承包商Gao Yu(29岁)以及工地管理人Xie Ya Ping(43岁)。据路透社报道,西哈努克地方法院称,Chen Kun和Deng Xing Gui被指控过失杀人和造成意外伤害罪。据悉,严重伤人罪可被判处5至10年监禁,过失杀人罪可被判处最高3年监禁。
The format of the segments has attracted a younger audience, who are now binge-watching them online likedramas。 International media outlets have also taken note of the phenomenon。
The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, the BBC, CNN, Fox and others have quoted content from Xinwen Lianbo。However, some things have been lost in translation when the content is adapted for an English-speaking audience。 Some translators are reportedly scratching their heads over certain phrases that are expressive in Mandarin but not so much in English。
如果你认为中美之间的贸易摩擦只是与钢铁、大豆这样的商品有关,那你需要三思,因为科技领域可是交火正酣。特朗普政府担心的,是中国这些科企的技术优势:Besides the generally negative tone of U.S。-China trade relations, the Trump administration is also worried about ZTE and Huawei’s growing technological edge: The two companies led the world in patent applications in 2017, according to the World Intellectual Property Organization。